Why Sponsor our podcast?
Our target audience are listeners who want to get started in the world of marketing, with the intention of creating a business. Entrepreneurs who want to boost their business and learn more about marketing techniques, web development, design, SEO and the many disciplines that surround the promotion of a business.
We make an entertaining program, focused on all levels in which we integrate the sponsor as another element of the program, without breaking with the atmosphere of entertainment that we try to maintain throughout the episode.
Sponsor our Podcast Ninja’s Marketing
Monographic programs on marketing, web design, SEO, web analytics and everything you need to launch your business.
We interviewed the most prominent professionals in the sector and the protagonists of success stories.
Sweepstakes supported by our sponsors and guests. Books, software subscriptions, etc.
Below you can see the evolution and trend followed by the audience of «Marketing Ninjas».
Audience characteristics
Below are the demographics of our audience by gender and age.
Spotify data (updated 3 October 2020).
Datos de audiencia por género
Un tercio de nuestros seguidores en Spotify son mujeres.

Audience data by age
According to Spotify our target audience is mostly in the 28 to 44 age range, with the younger age range of 28 to 34 being mostly male and almost entirely female in the 35 to 44 age range.

If you want to support our podcast, sponsorship is on a per episode basis.
You can contract as many episodes as you want, with the following prices:
Each episode: 50€ + IVA
5 episodes: 220 € + IVA
10 episodes: 450€ + IVA
20 episodes: 800€ + IVA